Amazon Emerged as Largest Online Store in India

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Amazon Emerged as Largest Online Store in India

In the Year 2015 Amazon has emerged as the largest online store, adding over 55,000 new products to its inventory per day according to company statement. was also listed as the most visited e-commerce site this year by comScore with 70 per cent of their traffic coming from mobiles.

Numerous innovations such as adding Sunday and morning delivery to the existing delivery services, the service partner programme, global selling programmes for sellers and rural distribution centre’s also played a significant role in strengthening Amazon’s position in India this year.

In 2015, Amazon India continued to invest and lead India-specific innovations like Kirana Now, Project Udaan and was started early this year as a member-only website, offering frequently purchased business supplies and products in bulk quantities at wholesale prices to small and medium businesses. It is currently running in the pilot stage in Bengaluru and Mangaluru.

KiranaNow was launched on a pilot basis in Bengaluru with the aim to provide maximum convenience to customers when shopping for their everyday needs. The pilot will be a key focus and investment area for the company next year.

Project Udaan saw expanding its reach, especially to the digitally underserved. Udaan integrates skill development and self-employment with assisted shopping and Amazon Pickup, thus enabling the digitally underserved to benefit from the emerging digital commerce opportunity.
