What is 301 redirect?

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What is 301 redirect?

301 redirect is used when we want to redirect our website or WebPages.  The code “301” is interpreted as “moved permanently”.  After the code, the URL of the missing or renamed page is noted, followed by a space, and then followed by the new location or file name.

301 redirects are a type of redirect which we can put on an old webpage to redirect any traffic which comes to it to a new specific URL, hence the name redirect. This is very simple to do but can save you a great deal of hardship later.

Why would we want to use a 301 redirect?

Say for example you are opening a brand-new website in a different location on the Internet. That website is on an existing topic or theme which you already written about on older website of yours. Not only will you want any traffic which still goes to that old URL to be automatically sent to your new location, but you want the link juice which that older URL accumulated, as well.

301 redirect is used as we likely spent a great deal of time building a lot of links to our site to secure that top spot in the first place, and consequently we obviously don’t want to lose our link juice just because we are moving that older site to newer more ideal location for whatever reason, so what we are going to use is a 301 redirect.

For Example if you click www.tipsoninterview.com you will redirected to www.tipsoninterview.in

 The code “301” is interpreted as “moved permanently”.

Below are a Couple of methods to implement URL Redirection

IIS Redirect

In internet services manager, right click on the file or folder you wish to redirect

Select the radio titled “a redirection to a URL”.

Enter the redirection page

Check “The exact url entered above” and the “A permanent redirection for this resource”

Click on ‘Apply’

ASP Redirect

<%@ Language=VBScript %>


Response.Status=”301 Moved Permanently”

Response.AddHeader “Location”,”http://www.new-url.com/”


ASP .NET Redirect

<script runat=”server”>

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


Response.Status = “301 Moved Permanently”;




JSP (Java) Redirect



response.setHeader( “Location”, “http://www.new-url.com/” );

response.setHeader( “Connection”, “close” );


CGI PERL Redirect

$q = new CGI;

print $q->redirect(“http://www.new-url.com/”);

Ruby on Rails Redirect

def old_action
headers[“Status”] = “301 Moved Permanently”
redirect_to “http://www.new-url.com/”

Redirect to www (htaccess redirect)

Create a .htaccess file with the below code, it will ensure that all requests coming in to

domain.com will get redirected to www.domain.com
The .htaccess file needs to be placed in the root directory of your old website (i.e the

same directory where your index file is placed)

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^domain.com [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [r=301,nc]

Please REPLACE domain.com and www.newdomain.com with your actual domain name.

Note* This .htaccess method of redirection works ONLY on Linux servers having the Apache

Mod-Rewrite moduled enabled.

Redirect Old domain to New domain (htaccess redirect)

Create a .htaccess file with the below code, it will ensure that all your directories and

pages of your old domain will get correctly redirected to your new domain.
The .htaccess file needs to be placed in the root directory of your old website (i.e the

same directory where your index file is placed)

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.newdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Please REPLACE www.newdomain.com in the above code with your actual domain name.

In addition to the redirect I would suggest that you contact every backlinking site to

modify their backlink to point to your new website.

Note* This .htaccess method of redirection works ONLY on Linux servers having the Apache

Mod-Rewrite moduled enabled.

ColdFusion Redirect

<.cfheader statuscode=”301″ statustext=”Moved permanently”>
<.cfheader name=”Location” value=”http://www.new-url.com”>

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